Capitol Hill Day
Capitol Hill Day
Meet at the Utah State Capitol inside the public entrance (located on the EAST side of the Capitol) at 10am (note the updated meeting time). […]
Meet at the Utah State Capitol inside the public entrance (located on the EAST side of the Capitol) at 10am (note the updated meeting time). […]
Topic: UOTA Specialty Practice Meeting Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81735177092?pwd=VHdUSWJsbnNIaDl3c2t1a3dINE9JUT09 Meeting ID: 817 3517 7092 Passcode: 939016
Topic: UOTA Regional Representative Meeting Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83713055626?pwd=c25tUFgyUWIxak01dmhycnZ5SlNtZz09 Meeting ID: 837 1305 5626 Passcode: 543521
2023 Western Regional OT Spring Symposium is a collaboration of the Occupational Therapy Associations of the states of AZ, ID, NM, NV, HI, CA, and […]