Brenda K. Lyman - Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Chair

Brenda was born and raised in Nebraska and earned her Occupational Therapy degree from Colorado State University in 1983, an MBA from Western Governor’s University in 2024, and the OTD academic doctorate from the University of Utah in 2014. She has a broad clinical background in all areas of practice but has specialized in pediatrics for school systems, early intervention, and hospital/clinic-based settings. Brenda began her career in Ohio, then moved to Wyoming, before settling in Utah. Brenda was employed by the Primary Children’s Medical Center for over a decade. She moved to consultation and private practice work before focusing on the development of the Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) OTA Program as the founding program coordinator. Brenda was employed by SLCC for 26 years earning the rank of tenured full professor while assuming roles of program coordinator and academic fieldwork coordinator as needed. Brenda eventually moved into administrative work for seven years as the Associate Dean for the Division of Health Professions for departments of Mortuary Science, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Physical Therapist Assistant, and Radiologic Technology. For a period, she was also Associate Dean for the Division of Allied Health for Respiratory Therapy, Medical Assisting, Dental Hygiene, and Surgical Technology departments. While at SLCC she founded the OTA Pro Bono Clinic and founded the idea and funding for the Telehealth Clinic years prior to the COVID outbreak. Brenda retired from SLCC in 2022 and was awarded the title Emeritus Professor by the College. She then moved into Occupational Therapy education as a full professor designing virtual coursework and teaching while also assuming a position of Director of Admissions for an accelerated/hybrid doctoral education program. Brenda currently serves as an accreditation reviewer for the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE). Interprofessionally, she has been engaged with Physical Therapy education nationally for over a decade serving as a program site and document reviewer before being elected to the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education or CAPTE first on the Central Panel and currently on the Executive Committee to the Commissioner Board. As a Board Commissioner, she has served twice on a task force to update the rules of CAPTE. She also serves as the Board representative to the Finance Committee and on a task force to identify PT program faculty quality. AOTA awarded Brenda the Fellow of Occupational Therapy distinction in 2024. Brenda enjoys church callings and genealogy temple work. In her spare time, she connects with her paint quarter horse Cherokee and rides her side-by-side, called Tomy, in southern Utah. Brenda has five children and eight grandchildren.